Thank Yous

It is good practice to thank all those who contributed to your short course, whether this be crowdfunders, partners, national committees or donors etc. A sincere thank you is one of the mightiest marketing and fundraising tools there is. Use its power often and well!

Saying Thank You

Below are some top tips on writing and issuing thank yous:

  • It is better to thank in person or by phone – but do also send a letter. Don’t worry about repeating yourself!
  • Aim to send thank-you letters as soon as possible after your short course
  • If you have to thank by email, be personal and specific – make sure it does not look like an automatic reply
  • Be fresh, original and personal
  • Don’t be too formal – go for a familiar touch. Write as if you were speaking.
  • Consider handwriting it – this is not the time to be sophisticated, it is a time to be genuine and personal. If you don’t feel it is appropriate to hand-write the whole letter, write the donor’s name by hand and sign the letter in ink.
  • Describe how the contribution (monetary, in-kind or time) has made an impact
  • Thank-you letters for monetary contributions can also function as tax receipts – make sure you include the date, the amount given, and the name of your short course.

In the past, short course organisers have been creative in issuing their post-short course thank yous. Below you will see the thank you document issued by Together for Development, eSwatini 2018/19, and Connecting Borders: Shifting Perspectives on Migration, Bulgaria 2017, and also their thank you video!

Thank You Booklet_Final.pdf
Connecting Borders Thank You Video 2017.mp4