The UWC Movement and UWC Short Courses
In this first section you will learn about the global UWC movement and the basics of what makes a UWC Short Course, including the role which the short courses team at the UWC International Office will play.
About UWC
UWC (United World Colleges) is a global education movement that makes education a force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future. In order to achieve these goals, UWC emphatically promotes the following values:
International and intercultural understanding
Celebration of difference
Personal responsibility and integrity
Mutual responsibility and respect
Compassion and service
Respect for the environment
A sense of idealism
Personal challenge
Action and personal example
To find out more about the UWC movement please visit our website, and immerse yourself in the history and portfolio of UWC Short Courses specifically.
About UWC Short Courses
UWC Short Courses are a customisable transformational, opportunity for UWC schools and colleges, alumni, national committees and external partners to spread the UWC mission and values to a wider demographic. UWC Short Courses seek to further the UWC mission and values beyond what the schools and colleges alone can reach.
The education of UWC Short Courses is decidedly non-formal and non-prescriptive, which allows for a variety of themes and skill sets to be developed. However, fundamental to every course is their grounding in the UWC Educational Model (excluding the academic excellence). The first short course was run in Malta in 1987. Since then, short courses have been run all over the world covering various topics, usually contemporary socio-political issues, such as the war on drugs, migration, environmental sustainability, social entrepreneurship and leadership.
Every short course is different, but they are usually in person, online or hybrid and take place over one to three weeks. Currently, UWC Short Courses are geared mostly towards young people between the ages of 15 and 18, however, we are hoping to see a rise in more alternative short courses that cater for a wider demographic, such as short courses for corporate workers or even courses for older UWC short course alumni.
The courses are experiential and immersive, typically bringing together 15 - 60 people from different backgrounds. As the focus of each course is different, the course participants may come from the same country, region or continent, or they may be an entirely international group.
There is usually a fee to attend a UWC Short Course which covers tuition, room and board, and participants also cover their own travel expenses, any necessary visa fees and pocket money. For applicants who cannot afford a UWC Short Course on their own, most courses offer financial assistance, which is a requisite to be endorsed as a UWC Short Course.
Short Course Organisers
UWC Short Courses are run by experienced and responsible teams. These teams are usually divided into two sub-teams: organisers and coordinators who arrange the logistics and do the pre-planning, facilitators who deliver the course to the participants, external guests who deliver specific workshops and/or apprentices who shadow facilitators in order to adcquire skills. Short course organisers and coordinators are expected to:
Support UWC's mission and values
Adhere to UWC brand guidelines
Raise funds for their course
Organise logistical elements of the course such as accommodation, travel, and course insurance
Prioritise the safety and safeguarding of participants
Recruit participants using UWC's selection criteria
Recruit facilitators and seek out relevant speakers
Train facilitators and brief speakers on UWC's ethos
A further breakdown of roles and responsibilities between the organising/coordinating/facilitating team can be found in the later section, Building a Team.
Who can Organise a UWC Short Course?
The organisation of UWC Short Courses can be divided into 4 categories depending on the core organisational group.
1. UWC School/College-Organised programmes: these courses are based on location at the various campuses, and can be used as outreach, advancement, fundraising and/or recruitment opportunities.
2. National Committee-Organised programmes: these programmes are a tool for local outreach, recruitment and possibly fundraising to provide scholarships for nationals to attend a UWC school/college, future short courses or attain financial sustainability for your NC.
3. Partner-Initiated programmes: conceptualised by persons not officially part of the UWC structure, these programmes are a mutually beneficial endeavour for both UWC and the partnering organisation.
4. Alumni-Led programmes: organised and delivered by UWC alums, whether from schools/colleges or, increasingly, from short courses.
Planning and successfully running a UWC Short Course is a time-consuming process and requires a dedicated and capable organising team. UWC International will support with all the key aspects of organising a short course listed above however, short course organiser(s) are responsible for leading on these aspects, using this resource platform as a guide.
UWC International's Role
The UWC Short Course Development Initiative provides guidance and support to short course organisers, but will not be involved in the day-to-day planning or running of the short course. The SCDI also ensures that the UWC Short Course is of a standard that it can be endorsed, and that the team is efficient and committed.
The UWC SCDI will support with the following:
Adhering to UWC branding
Participant and facilitator recruitment through our national committee system and via our website
Capacity Building through Risk Management, Safeguarding, First Aid and Facilitation training.
Course publicity through our website and on social media
Programme content development
Resource sharing and mentoring
Course alumni engagement
Course impact evaluation
“All information and opinions provided by UWC in relation to the “Endorsement Process”, which is delivered, disclosed or furnished by or on behalf of UWC whether before or after the date hereof, regardless of the manner in which it is delivered, disclosed or furnished shall be referred to as the “Endorsement Process Information”.
The Endorsement Process Information has been provided by UWC and has not been independently verified as to its accuracy. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is given by UWC or any of their respective directors, partners, officers, employees, advisers or agents (and any warranty expressed or implied by statute is hereby excluded) as to the adequacy, reliability, accuracy or completeness of the contents of the Endorsement Process Information or as to the achievement of or reasonableness of any information, estimate or statement relating to the Endorsement Process or any other document or information supplied, or which may be supplied at any time or any opinions expressed herein or therein, nor is UWC under any obligation to update the Endorsement Process Information or correct any inaccuracies or omissions in it which may exist or become apparent and to provide you with access to any additional information.
No responsibility or liability is accepted for any loss or damage or liability howsoever arising (including without limitation liability arising out of negligence or misrepresentation) that you may suffer as a result of the Endorsement Process Information or any other additional information which may be provided as part of the Endorsement Process and any and all such responsibility and liability is expressly disclaimed by UWC or any of them or any of their respective directors, partners, officers, employees, advisers or agents.”