Evaluation and Reporting
To help UWC International with their commitment to the continuous improvement of short courses, we need you to gather evaluations on your short course and formulate reports. This section provides the UWC short course report form and the participant post-course evaluation form which you should use.
Evaluation Forms
Before you can create a short course report, you need to gather evaluations from participants and their parents/guardians, facilitators, guest speakers, and anyone else involved in the short course.
An evaluation form could be produced via an online platform such as Google Forms or Survey Gizmo, allowing individuals to fill it out online; or it may be typed up and printed on paper for individuals to fill out manually on the last day of the course.
It should be framed around UWC's 9 core values and include multiple-choice options, such as ranking areas from 1-5, or from 'very poor' through to 'excellent'.
You should always include a 'not applicable' option wherever this may apply, so as to not skew results.
The evaluation form should also include sufficient 'white space' for respondents to provide qualitative feedback on certain areas of the short course.
You may wish to produce a number of different but similar evaluation forms, tailored to the audience (i.e. participants, organising/facilitating team and parents/guardians). The more feedback you can gather, the better.
There are various elements which should be included in all evaluation forms. These include, but are by no means limited to, asking respondents to rank and provide feedback on how they found the following:
Course information provided prior to the short course taking place
Application and enrolment process
Travel arrangements and visas
Pastoral care and participant support
Course structure
Overall organisation of the course
Guest speakers (if applicable)
Specific activities (workshops, umbrella groups, excursions, evening activities etc.)
Marketing and communications
Location, accommodation and on-site facilities
How the course related to UWC's 9 core values
You should also ask:
Whether they would recommend it to a friend
What impact the short course has had
Overall satisfaction
An example feedback form which was created by the team of the Global Leadership Programme, 2018, and provided to their facilitators is given below.
And an example participant feedback form, developed and used by the team of Together for Development 2017, is shared below. You can make a copy of this to your drive and edit from there, if you wish.
UWC International Short Course Report
UWC short courses need to fill out the Post-Course section of the UWC Short Courses Application Form (formerly the UWC short courses report form). You should submit this as soon as possible after your short course has come to an end and after you've gathered the relevant feedback. UWC International will produce a summary report on the year's short courses at the end of the year, based on the information submitted by each organiser, and this will be shared with organisers and key stakeholders (the 2019 report can be viewed in the 'Archive' section of the News and Updates tab).
Additional Impact Report
It is good practice to produce a wider report on your short course, to provide to participants, partners, and others involved in enabling your short course. A comprehensive example report featuring preparation steps, course details, funding, successes and lessons learned is provided below, with thanks to the team of Catalyst 2017.
The team of Global Leadership Programme 2018, produced a similarly extensive report with a focus on visually presenting the quantitative feedback which they received. It goes to show that there's no one way to produce your end of short course report - get creative!
Below is another example, provided by the team of Living Together at the Crossroads: Building Bridges between Europe and the Middle East, 2014.
Finally, below are an Impact Measurement Toolkit, designed especially for non-governmental organisations (by Kingston Smith accountants and business advisers), and a briefing on What Good Impact Reporting Looks Like (by New Philanthropy Capital (NPC), charity consultants). For more resources and advice on impact reporting from the NPC, visit here.
Alumni Engagement in Practice
Following on from our advice in the 'Alumni Engagement' section, encouraging you to follow up with your participants for a number of reasons, below is a practical example from the 2012 team of Together for Development, showing how this can be done and presented in a report.
Impact Stories
The UWC website features impact stories, showcasing the work and contributions - from the most glamorous initiatives to the smallest acts of kindness - of the UWC community.
If you know of an alum, facilitator, organiser, or anyone connected to your short course who has been impacted by your UWC short course and would like to write a personal impact story, have them draft some material and email it to us.
You can also tell us about the impact of your short course, using this template.