Framework and Endorsement

In order to be a UWC short course, you need to provide evidence that your short course will deliver to the UWC short course framework, and then apply for and receive formal UWC International endorsement. This resource platform is intended to help you with your application. Your application will be via an online form. 

Short Course Framework 

The UWC short course framework brings together five of the six experiences in the UWC Education Model: social awareness, personal development, outdoor learning, active participation and service opportunities.  Below is a slide pack containing more information about the UWC short course framework and the expectations for the components of your course.

UWC Short Course Framework

Short Course Endorsement

UWC endorsement is the formal 'stamp' of agreement from UWC International that you may deliver a UWC short course. As previously stated, UWC-school/college run short courses do not need to undergo this formal process due to their existing engagement in delivering a UWC education; but all other entities (partners, alums, national committees) must do so. Learn more about UWC liability here.

The Endorsement Process

The endorsement process takes you on a journey of collaboration with UWC International. It involves you learning about the UWC movement and what it takes to be a UWC short course, building a suitable team, deciding on a theme, thinking about logistics and carrying out risk assessments, contacting key stakeholders, and finally applying for UWC endorsement.

Once you've completed all of the above and submitted your form, UWC International will review it and provide feedback, likely with an ask for further information or clarification surrounding some areas. You should then integrate this feedback and tweak your endorsement application, while continuing through the Planning Stage of the resource platform, before submitting the revised endorsement form again to UWC International. Here UWC International will again consider the proposal in line with the short course framework and theory of change, and will either grant or withhold UWC endorsement. 

We advise you to review the endorsement form now (visit the link above) and maintain a view of the questions which it asks, while you work through the steps of the Initiation Stage. 

Until you are endorsed, this resource platform and UWC International, via the short courses mailbox, will be your first point of contact. 

Purpose of the Endorsement Process

The endorsement process is based on the framework above, and has been designed to ensure:

Managing Serious Incidents

A major aspect of your endorsement application is proof that you have thoroughly considered and mitigated against risks to your short course. Further information on risk assessments and safeguarding is available in the perspective pages.