Planning Stage
Now that you've worked through the initiation stage of organising your short course, successfully secured a venue and core team, along with UWC endorsement, it's time to get into the details of planning. This is where the venture gets real, and involves planning the tangible details of your course such as the curriculum, creating promotional materials and selecting excited candidates. The planning stage is expected to last a minimum of 6 months once you've received UWC endorsement.
ISAK Summer School highlights video (2017)
To help you through the Planning Stage, this section covers:
In the 'Applying for UWC Endorsement' section, you'll be presented with a link to an online form which you can fill in to apply to become a UWC short course. This online form asks you various questions about your plans, such as asking you to provide your preliminary budget. All of the information and resources in this resource platform are to help you deliver your short course. These are either:
policies and building blocks (such as the UWC core selection criteria)
examples from previous short courses, to be used as inspiration (such as example brochures and orientation guides)
templates, created by UWC International, which can be downloaded or copied to your drive and edited (such as a template participant consent form)