Apply for UWC Endorsement

Once you've absorbed all of the information and supporting documentation in this resource platform, and worked with the short courses team at UWC International, you should be ready to apply for UWC endorsement of your short course. To do this, you need to fill out the online form provided below. If you've not yet been in contact with the UWC short courses team, please contact them to discuss your short course plans before filling out the form.

The process involves you filling out forms based on various areas of your course, submitting documentation as part of these forms, and receiving feedback from UWC International or being asked to clarify some points.

The forms are aligned with the sections of this resource platform:

Supporting Documents

The supporting documents needed for endorsement are below in chronological order according to the endorsement application form. 

Endorsement Application Form

Applying for UWC endorsement is a big step, so to help you, you can fill out the application in stages, presented as individual forms which correspond with this resource platform. You can save your progress on all of these forms, meaning that you don't have to complete the whole thing in one sitting.  Please contact to create an endorsement application.  Learn more about UWC Liability here.

If you're accessing this resource platform as an experienced organiser with an existing UWC short course, this stage does not apply to you. 

Next Steps

Once you have received formal UWC endorsement, you still need to submit further information to UWC International at two upcoming stages of your short course. The following two stages apply to all UWC short course organisers, whether you are applying for UWC endorsement this year or not. 


This information will be submitted in the same endorsement form only in an additional section ('Post-Endorsement'). This includes:


Finally, once you've delivered your short course you need to file your end of year report. This helps us to get a complete picture of UWC short courses in any given year. This will ask you to provide information such as: