News and Updates
Upcoming Events
UWC Short Course Facilitator Training 16-19 April 2020
The Spanish National Committee will be delivering a 4 day Facilitator Training in Madrid from 16 to 19 April 2020. The training is open to facilitators, short course organisers and its aim is to strengthen the network amongst all stakeholders involved in the UWC movement.
For further information and how to apply for the training please have a look at the brochure.
If you have any information about the newsletters do email us at
We are now all part of the big Mighty Networks family. If you haven't done so yet, please do join the network by clicking on this link. Mighty Networks offers the space for you to exchange ideas, liaise and share resources and content with fellow educators across the UWC movement.
Instagram Live is coming to Short Courses
Instagram Live session are a great way to promote your short course by connecting with an audience of potential applicants and answering their questions directly and in real time. This mode of promotion has proven extremely successful with UWC schools, allowing them to reach out directly to an extremely large audience.
Instagram Lives will take place on the official UWC International Instagram Page, which will allow you to reach a high number of users. To found out more about how to set up and facilitate an Instagram Live session, visit the Social Media page.
Short Course Training in Tanzania
During the Regional Meeting , which will take place in Tanzania from February 27 to March 02, the Spanish National Committee will be delivering a 3 hour workshop. The workshop is designed to assist National Committees start or facilitate their own UWC Short Course, no matter what stage of process they are at.
For further details and information for the workshop please have a look on the brochure or contact
Vision 2023: Short course Conference session notes
All session notes can be found in the folder below
UWC Special Focus Newsletter: Education
2019's first edition of the UWC Newsletter focused on Education, and featured a story on "What it's Like to Attend a UWC Short Course". You can view the issue here, and sign up to make sure you don't miss the next!
Summary 2019: UWC Short Course Reports
This is a summary of each report completed by 2019's short courses organisers and was issued to all 2019 organisers ahead of the end-of-year meeting.
Contact Information
All queries should be directed to